Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Recipe for a Rainy Day

Well today I intended on working on some projects, that was until the rain started... I have no idea what Mother Nature has against me being productive, but nevertheless my early morning picking was a success. I brought home a small bench and a suitcase that I will be making into a entryway table (I'll be posting my progress of both). Before I came home however, I had to stop at this amazing little Amish store outside of town for some ingredients to make cinnamon rolls and a delicious deli sandwich. I absolutely adore fresh ingredients and love to buy as much of my groceries locally as I can (Sounded like a Duggar...). I am one of those people that absolutely love to make a new recipe and force feed the people around me.

 In my opinion there is absolutely nothing I like better to do on a rainy day than bake, I get this from my mother. When I was growing up rainy days meant pie... Not just pie but PIES... Apple, cherry, and peach... I remember vividly getting out of bed, walking into the dining room which by that time my mom had transformed into her own bakery, and she would have flour all over our dining table, the floor, and of course herself. I LOVED THAT... I loved the fact that when she cooked she got into it, it wasn't about making a pretty little pie, it was about making a damn good pie. Sometimes when you are so content on making something good you have to overlook the little spills here and there and focus on the task at had. I credit that memory to so much of what helped me become who I am.

 It may not make sense to other people, especially to people that didn't grow up with a mother like mine or a fresh homemade pie, but life is a lot like baking. I don't like to be preachy but I suppose a little bit of my wacky wisdom cannot hurt....In my mind, baking such is life is messy, and fun, and sometimes stressful. It all depends on how closely you read the recipe and see what roll each item plays into its outcome. Every bodies recipe is going to include happiness, sadness, anger, disappointment, frustration, anxiety, the list goes on, but if you just take a moment and measure each one of them out before just throwing them into the mixing bowl of your life you'll be surprised with how good your result is.

My day started with one objective, and it changed like things often do. The fact is I did not sit on the couch and sulk, I just changed up the recipe and made the outcome of my day something sweet..

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